Family Law General
1. When a married couple get kyogi rikon in Japan, will it be taken as a valid divroce in England courts?
Yes, it is valid under the conditions of Family Law Act in England.
The kyogi (kyougi) rikon (divorce) is a very simple procedure for divorce in Japan. Spouses have only to fill in and sign on a form and submit it at a city office (hall) to get a divorce in the procedure.
"the Japanese kyogi rikon contains sufficient state regulation for the divorce to be a proceedings divorce". (Family Law Act 1986 s46 "obtained by means of proceedings", H. v H. [2006] EWHC 2989(Fam); [2007] 1 F.L.R. 1318) -- Morris The Conflict of Laws 7th, at 270.
2. If my spouse doesn't consent to a divorce, what can I do to get a divoce?
Even if Japanese family courts are available for you to divorce your spouse, basically you have to try mediation at a family court before you raise an action to get a divorce judgment.
3. What are the rights and responsibilities of parents of Japanese children law? What is Shinken? What is Kangosha?
I have briefly explained “Rights and responsibilities of parents” in an overview of international relocation of children law in Japan at Practical Law of Thomson Reuters.